
Friday 13 August 2010

Movie#1 NINE

Hey I watched this movie last night. I had an idea that this was a musical when I started watching it.
The movie stars a hoard of actors (mainly 1 actor and many actresses). Naming some of the are Daniel Day Lewis, Sophia Lauren, Nicole Kidman, Judy Dench, Penelope Cruz, Fergie and Kate Hudson.
Anyone who loves watching movies, I suggest this as a must see. The movie flows with no hiccups. The music is great and the dances are whoopie! The story line is available at For others who watch movies for the action sequences, special effects and spicy content, this could turn out to be boring outing
The dialogues are easy to grasp during majority of the movie but if you want the grasp the spicy content in the songs, you may need to watch it with subtitles. The movie possesses a magnetic attraction which would help the keep the viewers' attention throughout.
I shall give this movie a personal rating of 3.5 out of 5. I recommend this movie to all the movie buffs out there…

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