
Tuesday 31 August 2010

Movie#15 The Losers

It has been a long time since I watched a decent action movie. When I saw this title, I didn't hesitate.
A pretty decent action movie from characters of DC comic series. It is not great though but decent. I usually get irritated by action heroes trying to be cool by passing 'supposedly jokes' in the middle of a serious action event. In this one the trend continues, but surprisingly I didn't feel any irritation. Maybe the wits were apt for the script.
The special effects are good and the fight sequences are enjoyable to watch. I didn't move away from the TV from start to finish. There are some indigestible parts in the movie, such as the heroes tend to produce (have access) high end gadgets at will. They are fugitives and the mysterious female (Zoe Seldana–  liked her in Avatar..nice figure) helps them to achieve their goal and seems to have vast amount of wealth in her account (how else she gives them these weapons at will). Maybe it is because this movie is a comic book adaptation and so no questions 'will be entertained'.
Anyway my rating will be 3.5 out of 5…enjoy

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