How can I summarize this in one line? A family movie, especially aimed for the kids. It stars Logan Lerman, Brandon T Jackson, Sean Bean, Pierce Brosnan, Uma Thurman and Steve Coogan.
The gist of the story is that Zeus lost his lightening bolt and accuses Poseidon's son, Perseus, of stealing it. If not returned by a specific date, then he predicts that there would be war and the end of world. Mean while, the off-spring of gods live among the humans as normal people. The gods are not permitted to meet with their off-springs due to a decree passed by Zeus. The demi-gods have a sanctuary on earth called the camp, where they train and Perseus is brought there by a series of events. From here, he sets out with his friends to meet Hades, who had captured his mother to bargain for the bolt, and Zeus to tell him the truth that he did not steal the bolt. With him is Anabeth, off-spring of Athena, and a Satyr who is his 'junior' protector.
The story rolls with the help of special effects which hold the viewers attention. I personally felt that the producer could have had saved money by avoiding the Satyr character. His role, as you will notice, a stereotype of side kicks. And he talks way too much to the point of irritation.
My personal rating is 2.5 out of 5
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