
Sunday 10 October 2010

Movie#51 Hot Tub Time Machine

A comedy starring John Cusack, Clark Duke, Craig Robinson and Rob Corddry. It is about 4 adult guys, bored with their life and on the verge of being labeled losers, decide to visit a hotel which was the 'it' place during their hey days, the 80's. The four guys comprise of 3 'adults' and a young geek (if geeks are losers). The geek is related to one of the 3 'adults' as his nephew.
Let me warn you at the onset, this is not a laugh riot. But a silly movie to make you smile for the rest of the week end. I can be watched with the family except if you don't mind the constant usage of f*** and occasional mammary show. I guess I watched the unrated version then. The comedy lies in the dialogues and not in the actions on majority of the times, so watch that out. Else watch it with subtitles.
About the setting and special effects, there is nothing to comment about as there are none. I was reading the review of this movie at imdb and there it has got 6+ rating from almost 20000+ votes. I should say, after watching this, that I have had watched better comedy than this one, especially in my mother language.
My personal rating is 2.5 out of 5…

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