
Tuesday 26 October 2010

Movie#62 Ultimate Heist (French)

Saw this one on sunday but took a while to write something about it. I know that I have written it as french but the movie was dubbed into english. It stars french actors and the only one I knew was Jean Reno. Maybe the rest were all top actors in France.
The story is that of relationship trouble between father and son. They belong to well known mafia family and father wants the son to follow his career, that is to steal and kill. Son rebels because he is in love with a girl. Father plans a final heist and son tells him that it would be last, The Ultimate Heist. To complicate the picture is a french police officer who knows about their plan and he is luring the lady love of the son to spell out the fine prints of plan.
Thought this would be a action movie but bullets were a short supply or commanded a premium, because there was hardly any action. The video shots were all zoomed in making me guess that the locales were bad too. All in all everything was BAD. Even the planning and the execution of the heist was like child's play as it didn't need a plan in the first place. Even I could have planned it like that!!!!
AVOID this at all cost. Maybe it was really meant for the french and I was a fool to rent it. My personal rating is 1 out of 5…

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