
Sunday 17 October 2010

Movie#56 Greenberg

Starring Greta Gerwig and Ben Stiller, this movie will not be in everyone's taste. As there are no frill airlines, this is a no frill movie. Don't expect anything other than a 'just' flowing drama. So, if you are planning a wind down with this one on your weekend, you would hope for monday quickly.
The story is that Ben, in his just out of mental hospital character, is spending 6 weeks at his brother's villa in New York. His brother and family are on a vacation to Vietnam. At this place BS meets GG, who is the house keeper. She is in search of love and to settle down and is attracted to BS. Meanwhile BS is very unsure in life and has his outbursts which he justifies by blaming others. How they sort it out is the movie.
I don't know whom to praise, whether it is the acting of BS or characterization in the story, but I hate the character which BS plays, Roger Greenberg. He has not yet fully recovered from his nervous breakdown and has so much negativism. The way in which he shifts the blame to the other person was ticking me off all through.
My personal rating will be 1.5 out of 5…

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