
Thursday 2 September 2010

Movie#18 Neelathaamara (Malayalam- India)

I think I struck gold. Lately all my choices surprise me. It seems I got the Midas's touch. How else I decide to watch this and it turns out to be masterpiece…
The storyline is one of the simplest I have ever watched. Yet the movie is so smooth. The director has cleverly tread the path that so narrowly demarcates lust and innocent love. If it had anyone else, it would have made out to be a B class rated movie but not this one. The shots and the editing needs special mention. It can be termed as a class that is in transition from art movie to mainstream movie.
The music and the songs have the power to bring back childhood memories about innocent love. I can't seem to find words to describe the beauty of this movie. I suggest anyone, including people not versed in malayalam, to watch this one. There is nothing too complicated to understand in this one. Maybe subtitles can help if you want to know the dialogues but it can prove a distraction from the scenic shots.
My rating is 4 out of 5…

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