
Sunday 5 September 2010

Movie#21 Broken Embraces ( Spanish)

Ah ha! decided to do something very out of the ordinary. Took this spanish movie to watch, mainly because it has Penelope Cruz in it. As usual it didn't disappoint, as she bared it all in it..ahem.
A dull story or perhaps a dull drama/love story. I finally lost my Midas touch after 5 good movies in a row. A movie director living as his alter ego for 14 years after the death of his lover (PC) who happened to be the mistress of a wealthy businessman. Because of his involvement with this woman, the businessman destroys his reputation by mismanaging the last movie ( a comedy!) he was working on, which starred the same woman (PC). The story unfolds and the director finally accepts his own ego and starts to edit the same movie for a re-screening. Happy Ending.
I don't have anything more to comment about this movie as I got only the above mentioned story line. Saw it with subtitles, hence on majority of the duration, my eyes were concentrated at the bottom of the screen than centre.
My personal rating will be 2 out of 5…

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