
Sunday 19 September 2010

Movie#34 Crazy Heart

Country music lovers should go for this one. Beautiful music. The story is very simple. A life phase of a declining country singer, that's it. That is the best short gist I could come up with.
Jeff Bridges stars in this as a declining country singer. Addicted to alcohol and wasting the days away as they were his last till he finds love and corrects course. I can't recollect correctly but is this the movie for which he won oscar? His acting definitely seems worthy of one. A freak incident with the son of his lady love makes him re-evaluate his lifestyle.
Particularly interesting is the fact that even though he had no money and practically living in shabbiness, his talent would still attract women for one night stand. Anyway, there is nothing much to comment about this movie. It is a slow drama that managed to keep the audiences' interest going till the very end. Interspersed with good country music, it is a good choice for movie lovers. As for me, I'm off to get the sound track CD.
My personal rating is 2.5 out of 5

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